
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Christmas in July, ala Moda!

Okay, not quite July, but close enough, right?

One reason I love Summer?
Christmas fabrics!
This is the time of year most holiday fabrics are released -
giving you plenty of time to get those projects started and finished, right?
Well, maybe not always...

My favorite collection so far?

12 days of Christmas
by Kate Spain for Moda

I pre ordered these in May, and they were worth the wait.
Just look at all those blissful yards of yumminess!
I can't wait to start sewing up lots of little Christmas dresses, jackets, and all kinds of other boutique goodness!

I love fabric,
but I LOVE Moda fabrics the mostest!

Now I only need this print, and I'll be set!
for this collection at least...

I wonder how many others out there already are starting to pick up their holiday fabrics - and better yet, I wonder how many are starting their Christmas projects?!
I'm not that far!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Today is the First Day of the Rest of My Summer

This afternoon I took Slick to the airport. He's flying out for the summer.
Even though he's a big guy now, 15, I still had a hard time letting him go.
I had a hard time letting him pack.
That's a lie.
I didn't let him pack.
I did it for him.
Which really irritated him and ensued proclamations of
"I'm not a baby!
Why won't you let me do this"
etc, etc...
To which I poured on the guilt
"Why can't you just let me do this for you?
can't I just mother you before you leave me for the whole summer
Can't you just let it go for me?
Come on, just make your mother happy"

I win.

I love my son tremendously...
he's a good kid...
and I will miss him...

But he is a teenager
and oh man, am I going to enjoy this summer!

Technically, Summer starts on the 21st, but for me it starts as soon as his plane lands safely in California. Happy Summer everyone!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Mama's Got a Brand New Bag

My local sewing guild had a day-long purse class not too long ago, and I'd like to share some of my thoughts:
  • Surprise! The not so great looking fabrics can make the cutest bags
  • No surprise, sewing in a group is fun, and if someone brings Krispy Kreme it's all the better
  • Even if everyone is making the same project, no two bags will be anything alike
  • It's okay to NOT follow the directions exactly as written, even in a "class"
  • The girl sitting nearest the teacher is going to finish first
  • The girl who finishes first is your best friend - she will help you finish next
  • A steam press is pure awesomeness, and would make a great Christmas present (hint, hint)
  • Age has nothing to do with skill level (see example below)

At the end of the day everyone did an awesome job and I would have gladly gone home with any of the bags that were made that day - but I have got to show you this picture!

This sweet chick was our youngest in attendance and she has some mad skillz!
She's freakin 11 years old.
She choose her own fabrics, and did all her own sewing.
(on a Viking that many women would kill for no less...)
Did I mention she's only 11 years old?!
I loved her purse, it was really fun, and had a funky bright yellow lining to boot.

I had the hardest time choosing my own fabrics.
Honestly, I wasn't even sure if I would even use the purse anyhow - I was really just attending for the camaraderie of it all.
I knew my handles would be a natural wood, so I wanted my fabric to have an organic feel to it. I choose a heavey woven for the outside and a cotton print for the lining and pockets.
When the class began I still wasn't real thrilled with my selections, (and whinned about it constantly)
but by the end of the day I was really diggin' it.
(it didn't hurt that everyone there kept telling me how fantabulous it turned out!)
It almost has a "straw" bag feel to it and it's perfect for summer.
(especially with a sun dress and a pair of strappy cork wedge sandals!)
I added a flower pin made mostly from the lining fabrics just to give it a little sumptin' extra,
and where everyone else either sewed the ends of the fabric handles together, or added a large ring,
I just finished the ends and tied the strap into a knot.
I think it turned out pretty cute, and I might actually use it after all!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Timing is Everything!

Why is it,
that when I finally have the
and need
to sew
that my serger decides to crap out on me?


A machine always seems to work perfectly when there's
no deadline
no desire
when the repair shop is open
when the repair man is not on vacation
when you are sewing something you don't really care about and no one will ever see it anyway

I've waged this battle before, but now my serger has a new trick up it's sleeve.
as in, the timing is out.
It's causing skipped stitches and creating all kinds of havoc.
(well, I guess one of us gets to do some creating...)

I'm hoping I can get it in on Monday and get it back soon.
In the interim, I'm cutting (lots) and sewing what I can (not so much)
I'm not on a timeline
but, when I want to make something,
I want to make something!
Not make part of something and waste time waiting for my busted serger to cooperate.

timing is everything.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Knit Pattern, Sewn Up and Ready To Wear!

Do you want to see my new dress?

Now that it's done, I'm pretty happy with it.
I veered from the written directions a bit...
(of course!)

I cut the bodice on a size 10, and did the large bust adjustment adding a dart to the shoulder. I just left  the dart open and gathered the extra fabric into the shoulder seam, (where there would already be gathering)

Since I'm (ahem) thick waisted, I decided to just cut the waist band on the largest size (14) and take it in on the sides as needed. This lead to repeated pinning and stitching. FUN! (heavy sarcasm here ladies)

I also had to shorten the "short" version dramatically to get the dress up to my knees.

The pattern calls for elastic to be inserted through the seam allowances of the shoulders, and both top and bottom allowances on the waist band. I used clear elastic and sewed it directly to the seam allowances.

I added clear elastic to the seam allowances on the necklines and omitted the ties in the back.

(how many times can I say allowances?)

Here's the final result:

The Good:
I have a perfectly fit bodice!
The armhole doesn't pull forward because of my girls and the shoulders aren't too wide. The bottom of the bodice fits snug like it should. I think the neckline elastic worked well - I wore the dress all day yesterday-the shoulders stayed put and the front didn't gap.

I felt so silly getting this picture - but look at my armhole. 
Yay me!
My friend Tamra helped me fit the bodice, so I know she'll appreciate the picture!

So I'm happy with the dress, but there's plenty of room for improvement.
I cut both the waist band and skirt fabric out way too large.
This meant lots of adjusting on the band, PITA but not a huge deal.
However, cutting the skirt so big meant way too much fabric gathered around my body.
So instead of skimming and flattering, it adds width and looks kinda frumpy.

I will make it again with some more tweaking. and pockets.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Want a Convertible Dress a.k.a. should I make this baby or what?

I want this dress!
It comes in a million colors and can be worn in a million ways.
Oh, drool.....

at $196 -$246 a pop, the price tag is a little hefty for my taste.
It seems simple enough though...
so I began to wonder if I could make up something similar myself?

So I did what I always do when in doubt.
I used Google.

Seems that everyone who has made this dress inevitably points to this tutorial:

I also learned that this dress, although new to me, is not new at all.
It's been in and out since the 70's and as recently as the last few years...
Okay, so I must live under a rock. I've never seen this before!

hhhmmm...  I want to make it. But I'm wondering about a few things..
Will it fit my girls?
Obviously, a bra wouldn't work for most of the wrap styles.
Would the straps provide enough support to pull that look off?
Will I end up looking short and frumpy in it?
Exactly how much fabric do I have to buy to get this baby made?
Am I totally behind, is this so last year?
Opinions, Ideas, anyone??

Happy Birthday Son!

Today Anthony,
my baby
my first born
my only son
turned 15.


For the record, I am way to young to have a 15 year old.

 He's received a nice chunk of change this year as presents
Wednesday is "the" 9th grade dance
Thursday is "Lagoon Day" for 9th graders
Friday is the last (half) day of school,
followed by a trip to the DMV for a learners permit.

Sounds like a pretty sweet week for a 15 year old!

Happy 15th Birthday Son, I love ya!