
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

31 Days to Settle in After a Move: Settle into Your Closet

Having a hard time getting dressed in the mornings because you still can't find anything in your closet?
me too.
I went from a walk-in closet of my very own to a standard closet.
 I've paired down to 45 shoes and sent about 30% of my clothes to the DI. 
(I refuse to let go of anything else) 

You can see I managed to squeeze in whats left - I'm really good at "making it work"! 
For the most part I've got the clothes organized: pants, dresses, skirts  - and shirts by color and sleeve length.
Can you see where I'm struggling every morning?

It's the shoes!
(...and yes, I did just post a picture of my closet. I can't believe I'm showing you this...)

I worked in Womens Shoes at Nordstrom a lifetime ago, 
so I normally organize my shoes by color and heel size. Now they are such a mess. 
When I open this closet every morning I am reminded of  one more move-related thing I still need to do. 
Great way to start my day, right?!

I know if I just take an afternoon to get this together I'll feel better and my mornings will go so much smoother. 

Need some help getting started on your closet? Tiny Twig is doing a 31 day series on a "No Brain-er Wardrobe" and in her 6th day post she covers purging your closet. Even though she kinda lost me when she said no one needs more than 5 -10 pairs of shoes (gasp!) she's very motivating. 

What have you done to settle into your closet? 
What do you still need to do?


  1. I moved a year ago and I am still strugeling to get things organized! I need to part with some clothes that just don't fit and were given to me. I did see an AWESOME idea for shoes at ikea. They used several SIMPLE kitchen towel rods. CHEAP! They mounted them on the wall like a ladder and slipped heels over the edge so they were all lined up beautifully on the wall! Thanks for your comment on my DIY sew in labels. Kristy from

  2. Leslie - were are you???? I've missed your posts - here it is Saturday and you haven't posted since, like Wednesday!!!! Everything okay??????

    carol from

  3. Kristy - I finally made my way to an Ikea within the last year, I love that place! Good idea for the shoes, thanks!

    Carol - I'm here! And yep, it's been since Wednesday, but tonight I caught up with 3 new posts. The last week of October is always a doozey for me , between Kadences B-day & Halloween I am partied out and ready for a Valium! Forgive me??


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Cherry Bubbins