
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days to Settle in After a Move: Beautify Your Walls

You've got your furniture where you want it, and the "big stuff" is taken care of. 
Now you can start focusing on the details.

Somethings have an obvious place.
I knew right off the bat that my double-faced Union Station Clock would go on this wall.

I love it here - I can check the time from the dinning area or right when I walk through the front door. It's one of my favorite things, and I love that it has a prominent place in our new home.

Somethings are placed out of necessity.
I used a card holder to cover this eye-sore of a phone jack.

 and a wreath to cover an oddly placed motion detector smack dab in the center of a wall.

Technically, you can still see it peeking from under the star. And I'm sure that eventually it will be taken care of in a more permanent manner, but for now this works.

Somethings place themselves.
My sweet friend is an artist, and after we moved in she brought me this water color knowing I favored it. I set it on the kitchen counter, knowing it would eventually speak to me and tell where it should live.

A few days later I realized that it was telling me that it liked where it happened to be just fine and I should leave it there thank-you-very-much. So by happy accident this watercolor found it's fixed place on my kitchen counter.

I am not done getting everything up on the walls, but getting closer. 
Whether it's frames, clocks, mirrors, shelves, stenciling or vinyl art - get it out and start putting it up.
What have you done to beautify your walls?

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