
Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Very Merry Christmas to You

Merry Christmas to you & yours!
Love, the Duran Clan

Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Organize That Sewing Space" eBook Giveaway Winner!

Thanks for all the help and feedback on my sewing room situation! I got a bunch of emails and posts with some terrific insights and ideas!

Now, for the the winner of the Organize That Sewing Space ebook:

Congratulations Carol! Thanks for the input and support! Please contact me with your email address so I can send you your copy of  Organize That Sewing Space!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Conversation About My Studio & Giveaway!

I need some help. Some input. Lets have a conversation about my studio.

This is our living room. It currently serves as a catch all for random extra furniture and that's about it. 

When we were house hunting, I insisted we find a home with a room large enough to be my studio. I didn't want to use a living room if it meant walking straight into that room from the front door. Like this:

Call me crazy, I just have this "thing" about my studio being the first room you see when you enter my home, and I don't want guests to have to walk through it to access the rest of the place.

 I have yet to see a home in Utah that doesn't have that front room, and we passed up several good homes because this room was the the only option for my studio. In short, I was throwing tantrums. Massive tantrums.

Then we found this house, and I thought it could work.
Sure, there are plenty of reasons we got this home, but I had my eye on the basement - it was the largest we had found in a Tri-level home yet.

Now that everything is somewhat settled downstairs and have done some sewing I've decided.
I hate it.
I don't even want to go down there.
I can't even really explain why.
...maybe it's because I'm cut off down there, or it's so tight, or the lack of view...

So, I've been thinking about this for about a week or so.
What if I moved the studio... upstairs...into the living room?

Ya know, the room you walk directly into when you enter my home, the one guests have to walk through to access the rest of the place. The one I insisted I could never, ever, use as a studio.

So I had slick take measurements for me and draw-up a floor plan to see if it was even feasible.
And now I'm thinking I can totally do this... 

Next step, getting approval from the hubs:
Me: would you hate me if I said I wanted to move my studio into the living room?
Sarge: no.
Me: would it look weird in that room?
Sarge: yes.
Me: would that bother you?
Sarge: not as long as you kept it picked up
Me: okay. so I can do this?
Sarge: is this going to cost me?
Me: well, I want these things from Ikea...
Sarge: wait a couple months before you buy more stuff.
Me: okay, so can I do this?
Sarge: just don't ask me to help. I'm sick of moving.
Me: what if me and Anthony do it.
Sarge: just don't take forever, I don't want stuff everywhere. 

Some random thoughts:
  • The rooms are similar in dimensions (one is directly above the other) But I'll have to do some major downsizing to make it look presentable. 
  • I am capable of keeping it presentable, I've written an eBook Organize That Sewing Space!
  • The round chair would stay, and I'm cool with that because it's my chair and I love it.
  • I'd have to suffer with the bookcases I currently have until I get what I really want
  • the pattern cabinet would be prominent, and it's ugly. I'd like to paint it, but couldn't until weather improves next spring...
  • My teenage son is thrilled with the prospect of the couch & TV cabinet moving downstairs - he has visions of his own "man cave"
  • The furniture is heavy, and there are 2 (short) sets of stairs to haul it up and down
  • This room has the best lighting in the house
  • I want it to feel more office than sewing room at first glance.
Here are some of my Pinspirations:

and this one does not use the Ikea Expedit, but I love the "built in" look

So what do you think?
Would it look totally weird?
Is it weird that I care?
Should I move upstairs, or suck it up and stay in the basement?
I don't know what to do, I'm torn.

I am giving away a copy of my ebook Organize That Sewing Space
which retails for  $9.95 at

If you would like to win this just help a girl out and leave me a comment with your opinion about my studio situation!
Entries accepted through Saturday, 12/10
winner announced Sunday 12/11

Studio Progress Update

I thought it was time for a studio update since the last time I posted about my studio you saw this mess:

Remember that? oh yeah, that was fun.
There have been a few improvements since then!

And, see how lazy  honest I am? I didn't even pick up before taking these pictures.

As you can see, I've managed to cram almost everything into this much smaller space.
 Bet you didn't think I could do it, huh?

Everything is pretty much in it's place now. I just need to do some fine tuning.

Like finally unwrapping all that ribbon....

and getting things hung up around my embroidery machine desk.....

Okay, getting everything hung up....

and clearing up all that crap under my cutting table...

I seriously can't imagine sewing with out these tool boxes within arms reach. It's where I keep everything!

All I have left to do, really, is hang up some stuff, do some general organizing/tweaking and refold my fabric.
I should be happy, right? Relieved, thrilled?

I'll be honest.
I've done some sewing down here.
I'm just not feelin' it.
But I have a plan....

Friday, December 2, 2011

It Could Have Been Worse...

We woke up to an intense wind storm yesterday morning, with winds sustained at 50 mph and gusts as high as 100 mph. 

My son, who had left for school early - before we had even gotten up - left this note for me on the kitchen counter:

Little did he know, that was just the beginning...

By the end of the day, we lost most of our fence and our pool deck, but sustained little damage to the house. Once the wind died down we ventured out to assess the damages...

Even our lights couldn't withstand the wrath, lol!

All the remains of our fence is the gate - isn't that crazy?

and this section in the corner, which was shielded by a shed and pool

The wind was still blowing in the above picture - I can't believe our pool cover lasted! Several grommets were ripped off, but it still held out!

Before yesterdays storm:


It could have been a lot worse, most of our neighbors lost roofing, sheds and trees.
We watched from our bedroom as the wind peeled the siding of the house behind us.

Wow. I have been through hurricanes when we were stationed in Charleston, SC - but we never had damage like this. My neighborhood looks like a war zone. 

On the upside, this gave us all an excuse to get out and finally meet each other. :o)