There are so many opportunities to expand your world or make a difference.
Your church or kids school is a great place to start. But don't stop there.
When I Google'd "Layton UT Club" I got a plethora of responses - fom Mom clubs to Hiking clubs, there is something for everyone. If you have a talent or passion for something related to the arts, consider looking into a guild. Just a quick Google of "Layton UT Guild" brought up a Jewelers Guild, Artisans Guild, Quilt Guild, Screen writers Guild, Story Telling Guild, Opera Guild, Symphony Guild.....
I belong to the American Sewing Guild, it is a national organization - so every time we move one of the first things I do is look into my local chapter. It's an easy way for me to quickly make friends with similar interests, expand my sewing knowledge and help my local community.
Take a chance, you may just make some new friends!
This is such a great (and necessary) idea. It took me a year after my big move (a year I spent adjusting to marriage, etc.), but this year is completely different, as I volunteer one day a week, host a discussion group in my home one morning, and joined the book club and another group. I wish I'd had your 31 days series a year ago. :)